Oilton Historical Society

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President: Kathy Dupee

The Oilton Historical Society is an organization that oversees the vision of restoring the past and preserving the future. It was established June 15, 2016.

Tippins Grocery Store

“Oilton has a history worth preserving! A story of progress from lawlessness and political turmoil to a decent little city that is loved and respected by it’s citizens. There is a quote, “Each development of civilization presupposes that something has happened before.” Let’s acquaint the people of our Community with what that something was! The heritage of the past is the seed of the harvest of the future. It’s time to inform the people of all ages in our community to know their heritage of the past. The museum will provide generations to visit and share with them the struggles and joys that have formed and built plus preserve our home we call Oilton.”

– Kathy Dupee, President